
Websites about Thailand


Lonely Planet - Thailand

This website is up-to-date and dependable from a reliable source (Lonely Planet). It takes some time to load because of banners and ads. It has lots of text that is well organised. It will provide valuable background information. The videos give a feel of what the country is like.



Lonely Planet - Thailand Map

This website has a map of Thailand. It also has links to maps of places in Thailand like Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Ko Chang, Ko Lanta, Ko Pha-Ngan, Ko Phi Phi, Ko Samui, Ko Tao and Phuket. It is from a reliable source (Lonely Planet). It is also quite quick to load.

This website is a very useful website. It takes a little time to load but it has useful information such as flights, up-to-date news about what is going on in Thailand, festivals and more. The website also has a little bit of opinion so you can also know what people think about it.